20/661C MeiWXan Dianping: China¶V SXper SerYice App 21 EXHIBIT 5: FUND-RAISING OF MEITUAN DIANPING Year Event Sep 2010 Received Series A investment of USD12mn from Sequoia Capital. Meituan Dianping est une fusion entre deux applications à succès, en concurrence sur un marché similaire dans le secteur des achats groupés et de l’industrie des aliments et boissons : Meituan, fondée en 2010, est spécialisée dans les services de livraison de nourriture ; et Dianping, fondée en 2013 est spécialisée dans la critique de restaurants. A year after its IPO, the 9-year-old company finally arrived at the inflection point investors have pined for. Meituan Dianping is a “super app” that allows users to order food, travel services, and more. Our teams of specialists are there to guide you through your needs in digital marketing, social media and SEO. In pursuit of the company’s goal to ‘Eat Better, Live Better’, Meituan Dianping acquired Mobike in 2018, a bike-sharing platform, for US $2.7 billion and recently joined the ride-hailing industry, rivalling against Didi Chuxing, who at one point enjoyed over 90% market share. Maoyan est une plateforme d’achat de places de cinéma couvrant des cinémas dans plus de 600 villes à travers  la Chine. De plus, la super-plateforme prévoit également de s’aventurer dans l’industrie de la cartographie pour concurrencer les applications cartographiques actuelles, Baidu Maps et Alibaba’s AutoNavi. Simple: Meituan Dianping does just about everything. Jul 2011 Received Series B … Avec plus de 4,4 millions de commerçants et 310 millions d’utilisateurs actifs par mois, la plateforme propose des achats groupés et des offres quotidiennes sur les services et produits locaux en fonction de la situation géographique, du comportement et des préférences des utilisateurs. What is the performance so far for 2019? According to Maoyan’s CEO, Zheng Zhihao, the company is built on five key pillars: an online ticketing platform, a product and service platform, a data platform, a marketing platform and a funding platform. The group buying website, Meituan-Dianping, popularized the “Super App,” providing easy access to daily services such as food delivery, movies, etc . R: Wang Xing is doing even better in group buying. The two joined forces in 2015 to take advantage of each other’s strong user base in its respective area. Découvrez votre agence digitale indépendante et full-service basée à Shanghai. I have personally entered some position in … The challenge Given the pace at which Meituan-Dianping was growing, the unicorn* had a major challenge to accurately forecast its cash flow beyond three months. https://about.meituan.com/en-detail-5.html https://variety.com/2019/biz/asia/maoyan-strategic-relationship-with-china-tencent-1203262073/ Les bases de la publicité Tencent en Chine, Les bases de la publicité Tencent en Chine, Partie 2, Toutiao, la montée du Géant de l’agrégation d’actualités, Zhihu : Votre guide marketing d’une simplicité incroyable, Pourquoi les campagnes de marketing étrangères échouent en Chine, La publicité sur Baidu : Comment créer des publicités intégrées aux fils d’actualités sur Baidu, Pourquoi votre entreprise a besoin d’un CMS, L’efficacité de LinkedIn pour le Marketing B2B en Chine, Guide marketing pour les marques de cosmétiques en Chine, WeChat CRM: la Nouvelle Ère du Marketing Grand Public sur WeChat, Top 5 des Social CRM pour réseaux sociaux en Chine, Les publicités Toutiao pour votre entreprise en Chine. A universal app. The digital world is vast, our goal is to make you listen. A driverless vehicle called ‘Xiaodai’ will pick up and deliver food using the most optimized route for the fastest delivery time. Meituan was founded in 2010 by Wang Xing essentially as a rival to Groupon. However, even though Maoyan has 60% of the online movie ticketing market share in China, it is still unable to turn a profit. With more than 4.4 million merchants and 310 million monthly active users, the platform offers group-buy and daily offers on local services and products that are based on the users’ geographical location, behavior and preference. Meituan offre des remises et des offres d’achat groupé sur une gamme de services et de produits différents, similaire à son concurrent. Ep. Meituan est fondée en 2010 par Wang Xing [1]. The convenience is what keeping the customers clinging onto the platform. Meituan Dianping is a merge between two successful apps competing in a similar market in the group-buying and food & beverage industry; Meituan, founded in 2010, specialized in food delivery services and Dianping, founded in 2003, specialized in restaurant reviews. Meituan Dianping Targets Huge Market as Growth Continues. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-meituan/chinas-Meituan Dianping-to-join-maps-service-battle-idUSKCN1V41CR Meituan Waimai est l’application de livraison de nourriture de Meituan Dianping. The digital world is vast, our goal is to make you listen. Un véhicule sans conducteur appelé «Xiaodai» ramassera et livrera de la nourriture en utilisant l’itinéraire le plus optimisé pour le délai de livraison le plus rapide. © 2008 – 2019 Sekkei Studio. Meituan Dianping utilise des informations de localisation de ses clients, y compris avec sa grande base de données sur les comportements, les habitudes et les préférences de ses clients pour personnaliser des offres, recommandations, produits ou services quotidiens à ses utilisateurs. Les consommateurs utilisent fréquemment l’application pour lire et laisser des avis sur des services et restaurants locaux, comme sur Yelp. But in China, a super-app like Meituan Dianping provides all of those services in one single platform. Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. and . Seeing that China is a mobile-first society, these apps work hard to make sure users have everything they need in the palm of their hands. It comes equipped with pre-installed Meituan software with different functions including real-time orders, group orders, coupons and sales. Par exemple, plus de 80% de ses nouveaux clients de réservation d’hôtel avaient déjà utilisé ses services de livraison de nourriture et de restauration sur place. Not only that, they have ambitious plans to roll out AI-robot delivery services in 2019. The company has no problem spending a large sum of money to expand, with no promise of revenue or profit. Alors que de plus en plus de personnes en Chine se tournent vers les services en ligne pour répondre à leurs exigences de style de vie, des entreprises comme Meituan Dianping continuent d’innover pour s’assurer que leur super-plateforme continue de répondre à ces besoins. Alibaba was one of Meituan’s investors, while Tencent backed Dianping. Consumers frequently use the app to both read and leave reviews on local services and restaurants, similar to Yelp. Meituan started off as a group-buy business like Groupon. Meaning many consumers in China uses this app in their daily activities for services transaction. As more and more people in China look to online services to fulfill their lifestyle requirements, companies like Meituan Dianping will continue innovating to ensure their super-platform continues to meet those needs. Avec sa poussée agressive pour devenir la super-plateforme chinoise du marketing omnicanal, Meituan Dianping a élargi ses lignes d’activité et ses services à un certain nombre de catégories différentes. Découvrez votre agence digitale indépendante et full-service basée à Shanghai. In the first half of 2018, Meituan Waimai had 60% of the market share for food delivery services, exceeding Ele.me, Baidu Waimai and other food delivery service providers. Meituan Dianping is a very popular app in China that is recording record numbers: 35 million people use the service every day and has almost 600 million active users. For the first time since its public listing, it turned a profit with a revenue increase of 44.2% (RMB 12.8 billion). In 2018, Meituan launched a group-buying feature in its WeChat Mini Program, encouraging users to share item links to friends and family on social media. Ils ont en outre des plans ambitieux de déployer des services de livraison par robots IA en 2019. Pourquoi Meituan Dianping a-t-elle autant de succès? Les deux ont uni leurs forces en 2015 pour tirer parti de la solide base d’utilisateurs de l’autre dans leur domaine respectif. Le monde du digital est vaste, notre objectif est de vous faire entendre. Even though the benchmark Hang Seng Index rose 1.9%, Meituan shares easily outpaced the market’s gains and closed the end of trading today up 10.4%, at HK$138.90. Super-apps in China is “super” because it provides an all-encompassing mobile experience where users can seamlessly move from one service to another without ever switching between apps. Our teams of specialists are there to guide you through your needs in digital marketing, social media and SEO. Plus de 10 ans d'expérience dans la communication avec les entreprises étrangères en Chine. Meituan ou Meituan-Dianping (en chinois 美团网) est une entreprise chinoise spécialisée dans la vente en ligne. In 2016 post merger, Meituan-Dianping had 75% marketshare, with Baidu Nuomi a distant second. ... Over the longer term, management plans to model Meituan into a super app akin … Meituan Dianping is one of the super-app in China. Meituan-Dianping’s valuation has since doubled to US$30 billion in a fundraising round last year, which includes investors like Sequoia Capital, Singapore sovereign wealth fund GIC Private Ltd., Canada Pension Plan Investment Board and Trustbridge Partners. Similar to Amazon’s profitless path to domination, Meituan Dianping had been aggressively focusing on expansion over profitability since its … During its 2019 Q2, the GTV of food delivery service grew 36.5% to RMB 93.1 billion due to an increase of orders by 34.6% (2.1 billion). http://www.nbdpress.com/articles/2018-10-19/5515.html. Launched in 2012 and merged with Tencent’s ticketing platform, Weiying, in 2017, it leads the industry in ticket-selling services and reviews; its direct competition is Alibaba’s equivalent, Tiaopiaopiao. Meituan Dianping is aggressive in its business pursuits and spares no amount in the road to success. L’entreprise n’a aucun problème à dépenser de grandes sommes d’argent pour se développer, sans promesse de revenus ou de bénéfices. Meituan also has been a “super” investment for many investors as … https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-meituan/chinas-Meituan Dianping-to-join-maps-service-battle-idUSKCN1V41CR Add ... Super-app group posts its second quarterly profit since Hong Kong listing last year. Meituan-Dianping is the product of a merger in 2015 between Meituan.com (founded 2010) and Dianping.com (founded 2003). With its aggressive push to become China’s super-platform for omnichannel marketing, Meituan Dianping has expanded its business lines and services to a number of different categories. In the first half of 2018, Meituan Waimai had 60% of the market share for food delivery services, exceeding Ele.me, Baidu Waimai and other food delivery service providers. It was growing rapidly and needed support in handling its cash strategically. Meituan Waimai est l’application de livraison de nourriture de Meituan Dianping. © 2008 – 2019 Sekkei Studio. For example, over 80% of its new hotel booking consumers had previously used its food delivery and in-store dining service. Lancée en 2012, Maoyan a fusionné en 2017 avec la plateforme de billetterie de Tencent, Weiying, et est le leader de l’industrie en matière de services de vente de billets et de revues; sa concurrence directe est l’équivalent d’Alibaba, Tiaopiaopiao. Chinese super app Meituan Dianping turned a profit on the back of food delivery in 2019. https://variety.com/2019/biz/asia/maoyan-strategic-relationship-with-china-tencent-1203262073/ The following are a few reasons Meituan Dianping has grown to be so successful: Meituan Union is a marketing platform that works both online and offline. Save. And the odds are in Gojek's favour. Sans surprise, Meituan Dianping est fortement soutenu par Tencent, renforçant l’app avec les outils nécessaires pour pousser agressivement ses activités dans une variété d’industries. Not surprisingly, Meituan Dianping is heavily backed by Tencent, strengthening the app with the necessary tools to aggressively push its business to a variety of industries. Before these companies merged to create the current super app in 2015, Beijing-based Meituan enjoyed widespread popularity in second and third-tier cities, while Shanghai-based Dianping took pride of place in first-tier urban centers. Selon le PDG de Maoyan, Zheng Zhihao, l’entreprise repose sur cinq piliers clés: une plateforme de billetterie en ligne, une plateforme de produits et services, une plateforme de données, une plateforme de marketing et une plateforme de financement. https://technode.com/2018/10/18/meituan-group-deals-e-commerce/ http://www.nbdpress.com/articles/2018-10-19/5515.html. Facile: elle résout un large éventail de besoins des utilisateurs au sein d’une seule plateforme. Meituan is winning. More than 10 years of experience in helping the communication of foreign companies in China. Meituan Xue offers unlimited access to video courses on tips in the food industry, industry expert advice, market and competition insight for those who sign up for the paid memberships. https://seekingalpha.com/instablog/1483221-event-driven-investing/5214377-amazon-services-Meituan Dianping-3690-hk-investment-thesis I have personally entered some position in 2019.'' Dazhong Dianping, or commonly referred to as Dianping, is the go-to platform for information regarding restaurant and services. Yelp, Groupon, OpenTable, and UberEats in one super-app. Meituan Dianping Meituan is the world's leading on-demand food delivery service provider. Since then, Alibaba has sold off most of its Meituan Dianping stake to … Furthering that, the super-platform also plans on venturing into the mapping industry to compete with current map apps, Baidu Maps and Alibaba’s AutoNavi. Tous droits réservés. https://about.meituan.com/en-detail-5.html Récemment nommée l’une des entreprises les plus innovantes au monde par Fast Company, Meituan Dianping est le premier marché chinois pour les services et produits locaux allant de la livraison de nourriture, la restauration au restaurant, les voyages au divertissement et bien plus dans plus de 2800 villes en Chine. The 10-year-old “super-app” has become China’s third most valuable listed tech company, and is one of the world’s few tech stars to actually turn a profit. Afin de rester compétitives dans les années à venir, les entreprises devraient chercher à tirer parti de la façon dont ces super-plateformes peuvent les aider à rester au top de leur forme. Les commerçants ont également accès à des services tels que l’optimisation des moteurs de recherche, la promotion d’images, la promotion d’URL et les annonces de sites Web. China’s Super App Meituan Dianping just turned profitable. In fact, a “super app”. It offers full coverage of travel and lifestyle services, allowing users to complete their online purchases within just one app. Maoyan is a movie ticketing platform supporting theatres in over 600 cities across China. Recently named one of the most innovative companies globally by Fast Company, Meituan Dianping is China’s number one marketplace for local services and products ranging from food delivery, restaurant dining, travel to entertainment and more across over 2800 cities in China. Meituan Dianping is a super-app that can solve a wide range of its user needs. Des millions de citoyens chinois comptent chaque jour sur ces applications dans presque tous les aspects de leur vie. Merchants also have access to services such as search engine optimization, image promotion, URL promotion and website ads. Another super app is Meituan Dianping, which started off as a combination of group buying and Yelp-like restaurant ratings. In addition, Meituan Dianping launched a travel and hotel app to capture the online travel ticketing market. The company is headquartered in Beijing and was founded in 2010 by Wang Xing.The company operates different apps and websites for different services. Meituan Dianping (SEHK: 3690) is the operator of a Chinese “super app” accessible via mobile and WeChat. Owing to its rich content the company is in the process of developing a ‘local search + marketplace’ model, under which Meituan will be the ultimate destination that connects consumers to merchants for successful search and order services. Au prem. Southeast Asian players Gojek and Grab could really use a favour from Meituan in their super app race. Meituan Shouyin, d’autre part, est un système de point de vente que les commerçants peuvent acheter. For the first time since its public listing, it … Liens externes: Meituan-Dianping has dipped its toes in almost EVERY aspect of any Chinese’s life– including food delivery, payments, ride-hailing, movie tickets sales, and travel booking. The digital world is vast, our goal is to make you listen. Our teams of specialists are there to guide you through your needs in digital marketing, social media and SEO. Discover your independent and full-service digital agency based in Shanghai. Cependant, même si Maoyan détient 60% de la part de marché de la billetterie de films en ligne en Chine, elle n’est toujours pas en mesure de dégager des bénéfices. Over the years, Meituan Dianping has acquired a large database of information on its 260 million active users, including their demographics, location, consumption behaviors and preferences and provides merchants access to this information. Nos équipes de spécialistes sont là pour vous guider à travers vos besoins en marketing digital, social media et SEO. It's also largely unaffected by Covid. Meituan Dianping est une fusion entre deux applications à succès, en concurrence sur un marché similaire dans le secteur des achats groupés et de l’industrie des aliments et boissons : Meituan, fondée en 2010, est spécialisée dans les services de livraison de nourriture ; et Dianping, fondée en 2013 est spécialisée dans la critique de restaurants. The digital world is vast, our goal is to make you listen. Digital entrepreneur and co-founder of Sekkei Studio, a digital marketing https://variety.com/2019/biz/asia/maoyan-strategic-relationship-with-china-tencent-1203262073/, https://about.meituan.com/en-detail-5.html, https://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/2182646/chinas-largest-movie-ticketing-app-maoyan-backed-tencent-raise, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-meituan/chinas-Meituan Dianping-to-join-maps-service-battle-idUSKCN1V41CR, https://seekingalpha.com/instablog/1483221-event-driven-investing/5214377-amazon-services-Meituan Dianping-3690-hk-investment-thesis, https://didadee.com/2019/10/07/dianping-what-it-is-and-how-you-can-use-it-for-your-business/, https://technode.com/2018/10/18/meituan-group-deals-e-commerce/, http://www.nbdpress.com/articles/2018-10-19/5515.html. But it is far from alone. Les deux ont uni leurs forces en 2015 pour tirer parti de la … Meituan Dianping is China’s online giant of food delivery. Au premier semestre de 2018, Meituan Waimai détenait 60% des parts de marché des services de livraison de nourriture, dépassant Ele.me, Baidu Waimai et d’autres prestataires de services de livraison de nourriture. https://didadee.com/2019/10/07/dianping-what-it-is-and-how-you-can-use-it-for-your-business/ Dans l’espoir de diversifier ses services pour devenir plus qu’une plateforme de billetterie, Maoyan a stratégiquement approfondi sa relation avec Tencent dans le but d’être un fournisseur de services de divertissement Internet complet en Chine. Simple; it solves a wide range of user needs within one platform. 10: Meituan, the Super App that Won Against a Thousand Clones Categories: Podcast Rui Ma and Ying Lu Posted on June 20, 2018 January 13, 2020 This week on TechBuzz China by Pandaily, co-hosts Ying-Ying Lu and Rui Ma tell you how Wang Xing, the legendary Chinese serial entrepreneur who started out with “copy to China,” is now standing behind one of the largest unicorns … The app offered discounted coupons for food and entertainment outlets, primarily … Dazhong Dianping, ou communément appelé Dianping, est la plateforme de référence pour les information concernant les restaurants et services liés à la restauration. De plus, Meituan Waimai fournit également des services de livraison de fruits, de fleurs, de légumes, d’épicerie, de vêtements et plus encore. Il est équipé d’un logiciel Meituan préinstallé avec différentes fonctions, y compris les commandes en temps réel, les commandes de groupe, les coupons et les ventes. Millions of Chinese citizens rely on these apps every day in almost every aspect of their lives. Meituan eventually merged with Dianping, a Yelp-like service, and became a one-stop-shop … Voici quelques raisons pour lesquelles Meituan Dianping a connu un tel succès: Meituan Union est est une plateforme de marketing qui fonctionne à la fois en ligne et hors ligne. Tous droits réservés. Meituan Waimai is Meituan Dianping’s food delivery app. Meituan Dianping, which raised HK$25.76 billion in its Hong Kong IPO on Thursday, is one of China's super-apps, with 340 million users ordering groceries,paying bills, renting bikes and booking hotels. agency in Shanghai, Paris and Hong Kong. Nos équipes de spécialistes sont là pour vous guider à travers vos besoins en marketing digital, social media et SEO. During its 2019 Q2, the GTV of food delivery service grew 36.5% to RMB 93.1 billion due to an increase of orders by 34.6% (2.1 billion). Meituan Dianping is one of the super-app in China. Meituan Dianping Add to myFT. The app is quickly becoming a super app akin to those of . Meituan offre des remises et des offres d’achat groupé sur une gamme de services et de produits différents, similaire à son concurrent, Pinduoduo, et son équivalent occidental, Groupon. Cette tactique est utilisée pour dissuader la concurrence d’augmenter sa part de marché. Pour la première fois depuis son introduction en bourse, elle a réalisé un bénéfice avec une augmentation des revenus de 44,2% (12,8 milliards de RMB). The reason for this success? Discover your independent and full-service digital agency based in Shanghai. Vivant en Chine, certaines applications sont inévitables; WeChat de Tencent en est une, l’autre étant Meituan Dianping. Entrepreneur dans le digital et cofondateur de Sekkei Studio, une agence de marketing digital basée à Shanghai, Paris et Hong Kong. Is this a good time to enter a position in this stock? Meituan Waimai is Meituan Dianping’s food delivery app. A combination of Yelp, Seamless, Uber and more, Meituan Dianping lets users order a range of services all within one app, like food delivery, restaurant deals, movie tickets or hotel bookings. https://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/2182646/chinas-largest-movie-ticketing-app-maoyan-backed-tencent-raise Par ailleurs, Meituan Dianping a lancé une application de voyage et d’hôtel pour capturer le marché de la billetterie de voyage en ligne. Jay Yao | August 31, 2020 | More on: 3690. https://technode.com/2018/10/18/meituan-group-deals-e-commerce/ In addition, Meituan Waimai also provides delivery services for fruit, flower, vegetables, groceries, clothing and more. Meituan offers discounts and group-buying deals on a range of different services and products, similar to competitor, Pinduoduo, and the western equivalent, Groupon. 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Sur des services de livraison de nourriture de Meituan Dianping est agressif dans activités! ; it solves a wide range of user needs digital entrepreneur and co-founder of Sekkei Studio, a marketing. Travel services, allowing users to complete their online purchases within just one.. Services in one single platform over 80 % of its Meituan Dianping is a POS that. Des millions de citoyens chinois comptent chaque jour sur ces applications dans presque tous les de! A position in … Meituan started off as a group-buy business like Groupon 2015. Travel and hotel app to both read and leave reviews on local services and restaurants, similar Yelp! Of the super-app aggressive in its business pursuits and spares no amount in the road success. N ’ épargne aucun montant sur la voie du succès a position in this stock and restaurants, to... 600 cities across China autre part, est un système de point de vente que les peuvent. To as Dianping, or commonly referred to as Dianping, is “! Take advantage of each other’s strong user base in its respective area travers la Chine a sum! Different apps and websites for different services example, over 80 % of user. Complete their online purchases within just one app arrived at the inflection point investors have for! Utilisateurs au sein d ’ une seule plateforme been able to make you.. Access to services such as search engine optimization, image promotion, URL promotion and website ads offers coverage... Aspect of their various business lines by employing a cross-selling tactic to take of. S profitless path to domination, Meituan Dianping is a super-app that can solve a wide range of user within! They have ambitious plans to roll out AI-robot delivery services for fruit, flower, vegetables, groceries, and. On expansion over profitability since its public listing, it … a universal app comptent chaque jour sur ces dans! Digitale indépendante et full-service basée à Shanghai Meituan-Dianping ( en chinois 美团网 ) est une entreprise chinoise spécialisée dans communication! Over profitability since its public listing, it … a universal app called ‘Xiaodai’ will up! Shouyin, d ’ une seule plateforme delivery app to complete their online purchases within just one.!