Hebe – Greek Mythology – The goddess of youth. This dog loves the outdoors. Icarus flew too high and the sun melted the wax holding his wings together. Sirius is another one of the most famous dogs in Greek mythology. Whether you go with inspiration from mythology or not, picking a name for your dog is a big deal, and it’s going to be with them for life. 17. Plato – Ancient Greek writer and philosopher. Urania – Greek Mythology – The muse of astronomy. Greece is a country full of personality and history. Caesar – Long haired. When you think of Greek Gods, there are a ton of names that come to mind. Your many-colored pet dog would appreciate this name. 2. Penelope – Greek Mythology – The wife of Odysseus. Aphrodite (goddess of love and beauty) Artemis (goddess of the hunt) Minerva – Roman Mythology – She was Jupiter’s favorite child. Its waters caused forgetfulness in those who drank it. Vulcan – Roman Mythology – The god of fire. Argos. Here are a few names of greek gods for that new puppy. Maia. Maybe a good name for your Chinese Crested. If you’re looking for a Norse dog name for your new four-legged friend, the language, tale, people, and places of Norse and Viking culture will give you plenty of interesting and unique choices. One of the really powerful mythological dog names. He fell to his death. WhatsApp. Saved by Labrottie. The male characters of mythology are some of the most well known figures of all time. Choosing a mythical dog name for your female pup is an excellent way to celebrate her spirit and to ensure she’s always viewed as the celebrated being that she is. Below, you can read about some loyal dogs that could inspire you when it comes to naming your dog. The other girl dogs turn to her for beauty tips. Cyclops – Greek Mythology – The giant with one eye. Regardless, choosing a Norse name for your dog or pet is a creative and unique way to have your pup reflect a small part of Scandinavia. His responsibility was to judge a man’s deeds after death. Check out our male dog names S list. Greek and Norse mythology inspired dog names. A good name for the dog that you adopt on Valentine’s day. Furthermore, people believe that it … If you're looking for dog names from mythology, the obvious place to begin is with the Greeks. Kama – The Hindu god of love. One way to get rid of it is to call out its name. She … 1. Wikimedia Commons has media related to … Greek dog names are perfect if you have Greek heritage, you’ve traveled to the beautiful country or you’re simply enamored with the stunning landscape and remarkable culture. This is a list of dogs from mythology, including dogs, beings who manifest themselves as dogs, beings whose anatomy includes dog parts, and so on. From classic and old fashioned dog names like Lady to mythology inspired names such as Apollo, this list has a wide variety to choose from. Take a look at these other helpful roundups: Laura Mueller is a freelance writer and editor with a background in animal advocacy. How about hearinf some of the coolest egyptian dog names? While it may seem silly in the moment, keep in mind that whatever name you choose for your dog is one that you’ll have to call out regularly, including in public places like the vet and dog park. Thalia – Greek Mythology – The muse of comedy. Dido – Ancient legend has her being the founder and queen of Carthage. Cadmus: Legendary founder of Thebes. Io – Roman Mythology – She was much loved by Jupiter. Viking names for your dog based on Norse mythology. Norse mythology names often inspire Norwegian baby names because of their short, strong nature. Choose from names from Greek mythology like Apollo or Atlas to names inspired by Greek treats like Baklava, Gyro, and Pita. 130+ Greek Dog Names – Inspired By Greek Mythology, Travel & Culture. Mars – Roman Mythology – The god of war. Naming Tips: Thor is usually described as having red hair, so this name might be good for a red or russet dog. Hercules – “I often astound you with my feats of canine strength.” Pomona – Roman Mythology – The goddess of fruit-bearing trees. It’s okay to change your dog’s name if you don’t like it after a couple of days! Hermes – Greek Mythology – The messenger god. abby Group. Theseus – Greek Mythology – A great king of ancient Athens. Tough dog names are all around us, especially when you think about the world of mythology or fantasy. Ceres – This is a male and female Greek name meaning ‘of the corn’. Artemis – Greek Mythology – The goddess of the moon and hunting. Saga – The Norse goddess of—you guessed it—stories. Whether choosing from our list of Chinese dog names or going for something completely different, there are some rules to follow. The Qiqirn comes from Intuit mythology and is said to cause fits when approached by humans. Ajax – Greek Mythology – A hero of the Trojan War. Here's a Few Examples. It can be difficult to find inspiration to name your new dog sometimes. For the pet dog that loves to gaze at the heavens. One of the most influential thinkers of western civilization. Our collection of Mythological Puppy Names, features mythology names from many different of nations and cultures. It is essentially associated with the devil or hellhound. Aurora or Rory – Roman Mythology – Goddess of the dawn. Zeus – Greek Mythology – The chief god. He is known for eating his kids and castrating his dad. Wolfram Eberhard points out that compared to other cultures it is "striking " that Chinese literature rarely has given names for dogs. 160 + Viking Dog Names – Norse Mythology Dog Names. Odin – Norse Mythology – The king of the gods. Another super name for you water-loving dog. By choosing a mythical name for your dog, you tap into this storied past, with names that can say a lot about who your pup is and what makes them special. Another of the very popular mythological dog names. This dog is second to none. Your very large and powerful dog would appreciate this name. He ruled the dark kingdom under the earth, through which souls passed on their way to Hades. She’s every boy dog’s object of desire. Dog Names from Mythology. If you’re looking for a Norse dog name for your new four-legged friend, the language, tale, people, and places of Norse and Viking culture will give you … And for more inspiration check our list of celebrity dog names! Or perhaps you have a dog with Scandinavian roots? A good name for the boy dog that lives on a farm. Wikimedia Commons has media related to … This girl dog is very fertile. Before you can decide if you want to choose a Norse mythology name for your dog, you need a little bit of background information on what exactly that is. This girl dog carries much power. Here are more than 200 Greek-inspired names that are perfect for your pet. This boy dog has a great booming bark. Just one of our 100s of themed pages - and 1000s of quality names. Learn more about the stories behind these names and why they might be right for your dog. All civilizations have had their myths and folktales, complete with supernatural humans and animals whose experiences are thought to have shaped the world as we know it. His name is Jose Cuervo. So, here you can take a look at some hunting dog names from Greek mythology. Also called Bacchus. Some dogs tend to display this kind of attitude, and therefore, it makes a unique trait that you can use to choose the name for your pet. Male Norse Dog Names. Oberon – The mythical king of the fairies. Naming ideas that have been passed down thru the sands of time and will be immortalized further once given to your dog. Now called Greek mythology, these stories have been passed down for generations and are often taught in history and literature classes. You may also love: 90 Beautiful Egyptian Dog Names. We assure you that there won't be another dog in the park with the same name as yours. Argus – Greek Mythology – The giant with a hundred eyes. Norse Mythology Dog Names. AAP Editors - March 31, 2020. Charon – Greek Mythology – The boat pilot who escorted dead souls across the river Styx to Hades. If the name seems off, it’s better to switch it then stick with it. Saur (A dog that was “king” of Norway for three years during the 11th century AD.) Nemesis – Greek Mythology – The goddess of retribution. Helen – Greek Mythology – Helen of Troy was the most beautiful woman in the world. Ultimate List of the Top 500+ Greek Dog Names – Roman, God, Mythology Puppy Name Ideas. Argos was the faithful dog of Odysseus, who, as chronicled in Homer’s Odyssey, recognized his master, who returned to his home in disguise after 20 years of absence. These are the amazing Greek pet names for dogs. Narcissus – Greek Mythology – The youth who was in love with his own reflection. We don't just want to choose something that is unique or funny, it needs to be practically suitable.The basic guidelines for choosing the best name for your dog are: The main aim of a name is to catch your dog's attention and make training easier. When creating a list of Greek dog names, it wasn’t hard to round up over 90 ideas, each one with a distinct Greek flare. Let’s take a look at a few Norse mythology dog names. Lorelai – A high cliff on the Rhine where, according to German legend, a wicked nymph lures ships to wreck with her singing. This boy dog loves to sun-bathe. Greek Dog Names Inspired by Mythology In ancient times, man created myths and stories about gods to help understand the world around them. 50 Meaningful Native American Names for Male Dogs These meaningful and lyrical Native American names and words make cool names for strong and small dogs alike. Titan (In Greek mythology, any of the children of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaea (Earth) and their descendants.) Featured Famous Norse Mythology Dog. Here are 25 names for dogs inspired by Greco-Latin, Nordic, Egyptian and Japanese mythology. If you like Viking history, Nordic mythology, or just want a unique name with great meaning for your dog, this list is for you. Calisto – Most beautiful. He cut off the head of the Gorgon Medusa. He lifts a mighty hammer (perhaps the most famous weapon in Norse mythology), but a dog named Thor might go and fetch it! Marmaduke: The lovable Great Dane from the comics, though your dog doesn’t have to be the same breed! Indra – The early Hindu god of rain and thunder. Mythology is full of strong, powerful women who rivaled their male counterparts—and often bested them, too. You can even learn how to give your dog his or her own Viking title or nickname. Try to keep your dog’s name to one or two syllables, which will help them understand what their name is. Guys, these are the unique and creative list of short, traditional, and mythology dog names about Greek. One way to get rid of it is to call out its name. Greece is one of the most beautiful country around the globe and giving you Greek-themed dog name is a great idea! She and her son were then turned into divine sea creatures. iStock. Other dogs turn to this girl for advice. This dog was built for battle. Laika was aboard the Soviet satellite Sputnik 2 in 1957. The Viking Age—a spellbinding time of history including the supernatural idea of the North and the captivating … If you prefer a longer name, keep that name on paper but have a shorter nickname that you use day to day. Loki (a mischievous god of fate and chaos), Odin (Norse mythology’s most important god), Phoebe (Titan associated with the intellect). Genie – “Your wish is my command.” Rocky: From the series of movies starring Sylvester Stallone as a boxer. Fenrir is a gigantic, unwieldy wolf whose parentage traces back to Loki, the God of Mischief, and the giantess Angrboða. Observe the personality and character of the pet to choose the best suiting tag. You’ve never met a dog that loves water more than he does. This dog doesn’t much care for clouds. Lachesis – Greek Mythology – One of the 3 fates. Are you interested in Norse Mythology, Norse Religion, or just fond of the region and culture? Rambo: Super-tough guy from Sylvester Stallone’s movie career. If you have any additions to this list, please share. This is one of my favorite Roman female dog names, and I love it for a motherly breed, like the Collie. Listed are 100 great names for a dog based all taken from Mythology, separated by male and female. Kairos – Roman Mythology – She was Jupiter’s youngest daughter. She was married to Odin. Eos – Greek Mythology – The goddess of dawn. Marduk – Babylonian Mythology – A major god. This dog loves to howl at the moon. Choose from over 50 Viking pet names for males and females to describe your dogs looks or personality perfectly. His name is Jose Cuervo. Leif Ericsbone (Leif Ericson, viking explorer) 2. “Res rustica,” a work on agriculture that was written by Columella at some point between 30 and 70 AD, specifies several suitable names for dogs in ancient Rome, one of which is Lupa, the same as the she-wolf that suckled Romulus and Remus. Facebook. Mythological names are such a great idea for dogs. Here are some of our favorite mythical dog names to help you out. Achilles – The hero of Homer’s “The Iliad.” This legendary male dog is known all over the neighborhood for his bravery. Mercury – Roman Mythology – The messenger of the gods. Orthrus was in charge of protecting Geryon’s cattle and was eventually killed by Hercules. Norse Mythology Dog Names. Olympus – Greek Mythology – The home of the gods. 17. This is one of my favorite Roman female dog names, and I love it for a motherly breed, like the Collie. Hercules' twelfth task was to capture Cerberus, and bring him to Eurystheus. (Eberhard 2003: 82) This means that in the context of Chinese mythology, often a dog will play an important role, but that it will not be given a proper name, but rather being referred to as "dog". 130+ Greek Dog Names – Inspired By Greek Mythology, Travel & Culture. Here are 122 mythological dog names including Greek, Roman, and other regional gods from history. In essence, Fenrir is the quintessential lone wolf of not just Germanic Mythology but of all World Mythology as well. One of the unusual mythological dog names. If you’re looking for the perfect name for your new dog here’s 500 of the most popular dog names to help get you started. By virtue of his ability to follow the instructions of various kings, oracles, gods, and goddesses, Cadmus built the city of Thebes and fathered a line that figures prominently in many of the Greek tragedies. Often, the same story can be found across many cultures, with varying details that suggest their origins. 227 Authentic Greek Names For Dogs | Cuteness Dionysus – Greek Mythology – The god of wine and good times. Here are some important tips to keep in mind when you’re naming your dog: Mythology is full of strong, powerful women who rivaled their male counterparts—and often bested them, too. Jupiter – The Roman god of gods. Did you know? Leda – Greek Mythology – Helen of Troy’s mother. Cassandra or Cassie – Greek Mythology – Prophetess whom noone believed. If I had to guess, I would say that Zeus is the most popular, but there are tons of different options. Zeus: One of the best known gods in Greek mythology, Zeus ruled the sky, lightning, and thunder. Athena – Greek Mythology – Goddess of wisdom. From gods and goddesses to honored heroes, there are a ton of mythical options to choose from, and all of them are likely to be as unique and intriguing as your pup is. Out of curiosity, she opened a box that unleashed all the evil into the world. She helped avenge his death. Cuervo: This name comes from this dude who make some pretty righteous tequila. Let’s take a look at some of the names, shall we? Baccus: god of wine. Argos was the faithful dog of Odysseus, who, as chronicled in Homer’s Odyssey, recognized his master, who returned to his home in disguise after 20 years of absence. Google+. All text copyright© 2004 – 2020 LuckyDogNames.com. Morpheus – Greek Mythology – The god of dreams. A country full of personality and character of the coolest Egyptian dog names Roman Mythology the... The rainbow well as mother to Mercury ( the Trojan war details that their... Who escorted dead souls across the river that flowed through Hades. you have a dog Scandinavian! Now called Greek Mythology – the god of wine and good times and goddesses provide inspiration! Strong nature shall we out loud a motherly breed, like the Collie Greek ``! 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